Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: evolve into proper 2nd pass rate-control using long-term

* TODO: Demonstrate how to sort the albums.

* TODO: A pointer to a struct equals

* TODO: that's bad, raise MemoryError


* TODO: look into a better way

* TODO: Should probably cache the BeanDefinition

* TODO: perhaps add a x_left?

* TODO: Look for specific driver error codes here...

* TODO: cache performv selector to increase performance

* TODO: can a Hash be empty?

* TODO: 1) Add the code to retry on syncing if we don't get a response...

* TODO: we should make variants to play as though it

* TODO: replace these w/ the new vars.

* TODO: Explain how to avoid clogging the global namespace and how to make loading a library idempotent.

* TODO: Replace this with

* TODO: Does not work yet.

* TODO: Move post should not also approve

* TODO: save rects in a list to react to mouse-clicks

* TODO: Initialize Element with formatter settings from formConfig...

* TODO: the namespace of created events is currently the model. I think this is wrong, they should be

* TODO: CheckBelowOnlyOnce not implemented correctly and not verified

* TODO: offset

* TODO: in reality only need to do that if sing-in/sign-out code changed

* TODO: directional cursors need different hotspot!

* TODO: The isDead() check is not really needed here. This is already done

* TODO: add support for "cd ~user" (we'll need a JemuxUser array)

* TODO: Check if EntityMode.POJO appropriate

* TODO: gonzo: why are there commandListeners in the list? the commander hashmap isnt used for anything....

* TODO: Sorted!

* TODO: selected memory scan, delta-f scan, dual watch

* TODO: Actually check parents here. For present purposes,

* TODO: Added just to compile!

* TODO: Don't ignore !

* TODO: Implement darken function. def darken(color, shift=20); end #

* TODO: 1. add a restriction to edit only one section (f.e. just edit the [gnue-forms]

* TODO: allow only cycling thru current block, selection, or page

* TODO: better to pass the id in as an argument?

* TODO: what about SleepEx?

* TODO: pStrNodeTypeChain

* TODO: should try to update w_row here, to avoid recomputing it later.

* TODO: The docs says the monitor should be resetted. But to which

* TODO: Fix the MSG: line of the re-thrown error. Has an extra line

* TODO: try to write inline assembly for this...

* TODO: NOTE: This code probably belongs in

* TODO: Can this function be a static in the consoleFunEffect.

* TODO: must use locale sensitive sorting

* TODO: implement the 'action' method of the NewButton

* TODO: react to resizing of object bitmap

* TODO: for now, this editor doesn't know how to deal with

* TODO: : this is not useful if an appropriate tag exists ex : DFS

* TODO: Need to remove Serializable if not going to pass InvocationRequest as the callback object -TME

* TODO: loop and such???

* TODO: make it so the user can choose picking criteria

* TODO: add member initialization code here

* TODO: implematation

* TODO: : switch the types for the CommandButton::setCommandType() -

* TODO: more accurate integration of r(t)

* TODO: Integrating new beta version of JXTA with JXTA Profiler

* TODO: implement some methods to recognize class-/typeinformation about

* TODO: why doesn't it have connect??

* TODO: Assert editor not null

* TODO: we should use SetErrorInfo on the transportProxy to log the error appropriately

* TODO: precompute in class all sizes and start indexes

* TODO: get real timings about this code. find out the average

* TODO: Make calling this function as HTML tag...

* TODO: should be powerful enough to get sequences just based on filenames

* TODO: loop until the entire interval is expired

* TODO: update shader and select atmosphere

* TODO: This isn't efficient.

* TODO: we want --verbose/--silent in argv...

* TODO: Make it error safe.

* TODO: add marginals?

* TODO: need to add throttling

* TODO: Umbau auf QString

* TODO: positioning of the Preview Pane

* TODO: should probably be a parameter/bit on the storeinfo

* TODO: Drop support for "APR_ICONV_PATH" in apr-iconv 2.0

* TODO: change name

* TODO: Re-write this using the verify buffer (when I have time).

* TODO: include memory cache ?

* TODO: place the old event source here

* TODO: Security check

* TODO: possibly degrade to use the other buffer, seems non-intuitive

* TODO: We really should use an equality test not a comparison !!!

* TODO: well, the whole kit here too, let's just join the group

* TODO: adjust when user tics are given,

* TODO: this can be implemented much efficiently, I guess.

* TODO: Replace with static version (this can be built at build-time).


* TODO: rgould - give me a URL for your layer's icon

* TODO: insert argument list

* TODO: we could just return all false...

* TODO: log this instead of simply dumping it

* TODO: more research on protected and internal stuff here.

* TODO: if cursor is inside the indent area.. then goto the string begin.. not goto the linebegin.

* TODO: Should this be getHomeDirectory() or getWorkingDirectory() or other?

* TODO: Add seperate method to load raw XML entity

* TODO: remove (helps to avoid bugs)

* TODO: list fea

* TODO: deal with cloning, CRIB and RIB setting

* TODO: Remove public access.

* TODO: ;; * Allow inner classes?

* TODO: Correct pointer cursors for this stuff.

* TODO: check if it's already loaded!

* TODO: activate subtarget types when gas is updated.

* TODO: need to add event handler for selection changed and tie it in with the timer.

* TODO: what it normally would. Unfortunately exceptions dont work well with

* TODO: make ll out of this

* TODO: Figure out how to treat null models

* TODO: alloc tmp and D on the stack

* TODO: Pratik StyleService cannot be final

* TODO: Figure how to mess with multiple bpc's!

* TODO: cache this

* TODO: add assert

* TODO: Retrieve subforums

* TODO: This is not yet

* TODO: There should be a faster way instead of

* TODO: make this cleaner...

* TODO: support more then one visual.

* TODO: Add "comment", "charset", and possibly other entries that are

* TODO: examine Collections API usage to determine proper i

* TODO: receive SET_LOCAL_ADDR event and call corr.setLocalAddress(addr)

* TODO: search.php3 needs to have it's logic ripped out and put into an object

* TODO: Change bind address according to user settings.

* TODO: what does this extend?

* TODO: const * member);

* TODO: allow some special pports to be unconnected

* TODO: Implement invoke for methods with more arguments.

* TODO: Parameterize the SenseType

* TODO: optimise out two calls to GetRegisteredWellKnownServiceTypes

* TODO: work it out. In particular, what do the arguments


* TODO: filter out double entries

* TODO: release the focus if we have it?

* TODO: Is this tooltip vaild for other path modes than circular?

* TODO: index

* TODO: These codes need to be standardised - in its current state only the error

* TODO: Known protocols - f_proto

* TODO: I don't really like this implementation; it would be better if

* TODO: Check that if the body is too large for the header, that

* TODO: make max-line limit on diff output configurable

* TODO: handle the no active servers case better

* TODO: modify prepad and postpad so that they accept matrices.

* TODO: unify code with TestRunnerClient

* TODO: show top 3 with percentages?

* TODO: Need to determine how to structure Request inheritance.

* TODO: _system should probably be placed in here, there

* TODO: do this check by the caller

* TODO: handle platform specific targets (ndxinputserver...)

* TODO: remove!!!

* TODO: add localization for "Other" item

* TODO: think about changing this

* TODO: Next lines would be much more efficient if only we had a

* TODO: the XMLOutputter and Writer need to have their encodings aligned.

* TODO: what do do about this? Should this be here?

* TODO: figure out if we can prune this class. This is just an

* TODO: xor mode.

* TODO: gerer aussi la var. d'env "no_proxy"

* TODO: optimize this function.

* TODO: add user-defined copyright

* TODO: we need the consoleconfiguration here to know the exact types

* TODO: add what the billing account cannot support to the re-auth amount

* TODO: make spell specific

* TODO: this could be

* TODO: Property Bag

* TODO: use a valid context

* TODO: needs testing

* TODO: resolve dependencies first

* TODO: Should we localize this message? (it should not occurs often)

* TODO: code goes here.

* TODO: Change to use my_malloc() ONLY when using LOCK TABLES command or when

* TODO: process a number including decimal point

* TODO: catch signal when "Processus arrete!" (OOM killer?)

* TODO: maybe via retain/release it could be possible to not control this...

* TODO: Analyze performance v.s. memory gains to never release this

* TODO: add fields which contain IDs that should be unpacked

* TODO: express in HZ.

* TODO: Delete this code.

* TODO: compare binary files

* TODO: need checks on number of arguments

* TODO: Use the game icons instead of no icons.

* TODO: add code to set prefs when not found to the default value of a tristate

* TODO: retry and eventually give up

* TODO: After you have finished configuring Wine you can verify

* TODO: add other shapes!

* TODO: return the length of the table.

* TODO: search PATH for progname then try to access it

* TODO: facet or manipulator for periods?

* TODO: Komodo

* TODO: tok == null? is that right?

* TODO: ugly kludge below

* TODO: shadowing of static attributes in the super class.

* TODO: Really we should update the info here so we can handle

* TODO: check for the pgsrc_version number, not the revision mtime only

* TODO: do without using 'internal' function

* TODO: make more helpful

* TODO: change config file path

* TODO: Figure out what kind of write handler we need based on the situation (calendar/document etc)

* TODO: null to java

* TODO: SWISH::Filter::Install -- for fetching/installing supporting packages#

* TODO: Document the code

* TODO: set datetime

* TODO: Enter your constructor code here

* TODO: log errors in error list window.

* TODO: Pass in the buffers to be used in the inital Read request, as they are

* TODO: segment n

* TODO: Most of this code appears to be (badly) duplicated in MappingLoader, which

* TODO: handle thi

* TODO: Add an official "empty" constructor for struct t_pw

* TODO: Are checks on actual_ok implemented elsewhere, or is that just

* TODO: Implement login function once database design is complete.

* TODO: isRuntimeVisible ??????????

* TODO: make an incremental NFD Comparison function, which could

* TODO: can't tell whether id refers to gain or mp3

* TODO: error condition - figure out how to best represent it

* TODO: This will need to be refactored at some point.

* TODO: cache them in a hash?

* TODO: This super constructor has been deprecated

* TODO: decide whether this is ever possible (it's simple if

* TODO: support loading of external PPD files

* TODO: Add support for multiple items here. Perhaps another parameter, $fkids?

* TODO: update local health data

* TODO: Find a better way to deal with the bitmap/name of custom char

* TODO: shouldn't need a separate one for screen

* TODO: copy the g_fds entry from source_fd to dest_fd.

* TODO: we might want to make that more flexible in the future, but for

* TODO: check if bin files are in db}

* TODO: Fetch the port number from the adapter.

* TODO: DevFS support (/dev/watchdogs/0 ... /dev/watchdogs/2)

* TODO: complete validation

* TODO: warn if more pages are selected and they have different perms

* TODO: cur = cur->next;

* TODO: (someday)

* TODO: Destroy this map of otobjects, maybe via an ObjectMgr

* TODO: Add a nice splash screen when the map is off, maybe animate on/off

* TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving

* TODO: change this value!!

* TODO: if enclosing sis_Clear by sis_RenderStart and sis_RenderEnd is

* TODO: optimize (ClassReader buffers entire class before accept)

* TODO: Add keyboard support for this widget

* TODO: can we make this a little more precise, perhaps via regex?

* TODO: is this correct semantics?

* TODO: clumsy - can't we use a pipe or something ?

* TODO: Yn - finding decent approximations seems tough

* TODO: process the ID attribute

* TODO: method get; component, font, color, keystroke, bean set/get

* TODO: Must see what are the winning conditions on multiplayer

* TODO: figure out how to implement support for both Mozilla's and IE's

* TODO: add getFQName() to ClassRef

* TODO: remove those functions or make them inline

* TODO: as it extends DoubleSquareMatrix -- maybe able to simplify some of the operations.

* TODO: Formating routines

* TODO: test url derived values instead

* TODO: Take account of quotes. (Right now, if you table names contain spaces

* TODO: Should I reject duplicate keys on readFromStream?

* TODO: selection may not work with options in repeater.

* TODO: Retrieve servername from tree

* TODO: scale

* TODO: First try "find by attrib=?".

* TODO: playlists within playlists, local or remote are legal entries in m3u and pls

* TODO: are 'named members' supposed to be usernames, or are

* TODO: homebase placement type (not implemented in blotchmaker yet)

* TODO: support some sort of subset prefix parameter (instead of the

* TODO: should go to HeroBox instead.

* TODO: Get the canonical repository for this item, which will

* TODO: perhaps we should check and make sure it's an implicit sequence!

* TODO: add explicit URL schemes.

* TODO: only load the bundles when necessary and check for conflicting class names

* TODO: All these need to go. They were added in the first place

* TODO: store all external referrers in (rotatable) log/db for a RecentReferrers plugin.

* TODO: Error check the passed value

* TODO: if you want to enable background, window title, and caption bar title

* TODO: need a monitor

* TODO: create an implicit not null constraint on all cols?

* TODO: check filename for invalid characters

* TODO: Ideally, we should have the helper classes emited as a hierarchy to map

* TODO: Remove checks for WordWrap. Must abstract the behaviour with the plugins instead.

* TODO: use sortorder to add to bottom

* TODO: (ak333) This works for while() loops with no initializer step,

* TODO: Manage a cache

* TODO: Reread XML spec and document differences.

* TODO: For each page do:

* TODO: Do this when we have sprintf

* TODO: c++doc this

* TODO: abs can be a special case, too...?

* TODO: Change hardcoded use of BC CertPathValidator to flexible

* TODO: SHOW, OPEN, CLOSED turnierbaum nur beim richtigen status anzeigen lassen

* TODO: message box ??

* TODO: if we are playing, get a more accurate position

* TODO: currently never frees reference to class object.

* TODO: suite.addTest(ArchiveParserTest.suite());

* TODO: Add the possibility for text and binary saves

* TODO: implement Abort

* TODO: We should be doing something here

* TODO: Add enums for various parameters

* TODO: to be continued

* TODO: errno=

* TODO: gluBeginTrim

* TODO: gap_border gap_start_border gap_end_border

* TODO: Rename this to SSL_SUPPORT

* TODO: update with all bindings for Text widget

* TODO: count of samples

* TODO: check doublons

* TODO: s->itotal;

* TODO: force kind syntax: `:: ...

* TODO: check adjustment limits on button 4,5??

* TODO: the following code does not recognize the following buggy urls:

* TODO: this should be a Resource object (can't delete literals)

* TODO: compatibility with export

* TODO: do we need to normalize pi?

* TODO: tar the directory! to preserve links on moving between filesystems!

* TODO: Test Circular Queue for Clone(?) and Serializable

* TODO: 2002.07.14, Perry: This is not used -- find out intent

* TODO: recursive delete

* TODO: read mtl file from any directory (e.g. the current level directory)

* TODO: replace all this url2 mess with a proper method "areEquivalent(url1, url2)" that

* TODO: replace this code and the code in the main loop by one function

* TODO: make euqipable and interface and check that here

* TODO: strip comments from javadoc entries

* TODO: Figure out who we are running as so we

* TODO: fixme, length of args[0]

* TODO: serialize to DOM (as an option) using new soap_s2hex()

* TODO: Set up a new class for fields and functions strongly connected to GEO?

* TODO: make it pause

* TODO: currently if compression is set, the library only support

* TODO: After a load, this is no longer true, what do we do???

* TODO: Verifier

* TODO: only return true if really settings have changed

* TODO: Implement;

* TODO: Unfortunately, self._modifiedFlags is not being

* TODO: Handle the error?

* TODO: Assumes that the keys of the root are not themselves

* TODO: change exit to a clean GUI dialog (fatal).

* TODO: This should be used if/when the sprops works with meta libs

* TODO: Add a timeout to this and rewrite the impl to use safePopen()

* TODO: Factor out this loop as common code

* TODO: Change to your path

* TODO: key/mouse switchover tests (these get complicated)

* TODO: The purpose of this function is to read all keyboard and mouse

* TODO: What we are supposed to do if the following does fail?

* TODO: express order attribute so that the first client will be served first.

* TODO: anything with children.

* TODO: what kind of event is generated when one is mapped?

* TODO: shouldn't be here

* TODO: this should tell whether aray's components should be

* TODO: add hook for plugin action processing.

* TODO: naming vsize/hsize not analogous to TeX.

* TODO: localize name()

* TODO: declare child_nodes as DOM_NODE_LIST_IMPL

* TODO: docstring

* TODO: Parameter validation, e.g. cannot be by-reference.

* TODO: this should be implemented as a visitor

* TODO: , 'align' 'Links' => array('Url'), 'Imag

* TODO: deal with landscape and mirrored coordinate systems

* TODO: remove any timeout belonging to the nick we're deleting

* TODO: allow sort also to be an options array

* TODO: error messages

* TODO: to do the right thing

* TODO: even/odd rule

* TODO: verify these semantics

* TODO: We may want to use soft references. We would then need to keep

* TODO: verify class=INTERNET

* TODO: Check they are sensible, they exist, etc.

* TODO: hier fehlt eine uno::Exception

* TODO: tests for vector, set, map, multimap

* TODO: this works but causes an

* TODO: correct timing

* TODO: All this mess is because the dialog uses "" to represent what the user

* TODO: this won't work if we change the size of the playfield, eg. by changing the toplevel

* TODO: get numberSections from book, if any

* TODO: figure out its purpose.

* TODO: recheck interupt mechanism

* TODO: we can cache these on this object, from the constructor

* TODO: , add unary operators (prefix and postfix)

* TODO: programmatically zoom in and out (or expose ZOOM_

* TODO: There's probably a better way to do this...

* TODO: Singleton mu yapmal?

* TODO: close telnet connection correctly!

* TODO: Implement this java.sql.Statement method

* TODO: Cancel the add when key or function is out of memory.

* TODO: error??

* TODO: tell our caller

* TODO: Make this a singleton instead of static?

* TODO: Worker->M->name->_append( ' (fatboy)' ) }

* TODO: Refactor this into some common message store.

* TODO: Add compression.

* TODO: need to watch for BOM or for report charset command

* TODO: does the above code page handler take care of these?

* TODO: The syntax has changed to

* TODO: merge them or decide they are different enough not to

* TODO: Implement testGet_index().

* TODO: everythink need to be converted to human comfortable reading form

* TODO: Get image files from packed resource

* TODO: this var should be private

* TODO: better documentation

* TODO: prio=h, effort=0.5, descr=(get provider list)

* TODO: This should really have a "ViewMetadata" as parameter, some refactoring is needed

* TODO: Determine why the object in question is not initialized when coming from

* TODO: Remove this code when APR 0.9.6 is released.

* TODO: if 0

* TODO: Make sheet active" )

* TODO: should clear everything but the header.

* TODO: Deal with conflicts between natural and synthesized

* TODO: adjust the visible viewport

* TODO: Read basic config

* TODO: check interval=2 > 14_daily, interval=4 => 4_weekly

* TODO: find the maxLinesPerPage value in a properties file

* TODO: Add a working EPP mode

* TODO: add a method of debugging...dunno how!

* TODO: Tests for UNC names

* TODO: make this faster; saxutils.unescape() is really slow

* TODO: rever esse esquema do id

* TODO: delete mediaIn?

* TODO: with values appearing from the stream. These tasks are

* TODO: Address configuration schema support

* TODO: Make this thread safe and reentrant!

* TODO: a command history

* TODO: any fonts after this, because the pointers are not changed!

* TODO: Fully implement i2c driver

* TODO: could be easily optimized ;-)

* TODO: Fix choppyness!

* TODO: Should we check palettes, too?

* TODO: this, we find our position in the list of moso daemons, subtract 1, then divide by 2

* TODO: Should use XPath when it works properly for this.

* TODO: for dynamic partfiles:

* TODO: Fix the fact that too many objects created and discarded in the following loop.

* TODO: zamiast robic nowa klase parser moze lepiej bylo by skopiowac stara (inicjacja rekexp)

* TODO: Fix this to something better


* TODO: Figure out why this ends with "Errors"

* TODO: merge arithshifte.c + arithshiftc.c

* TODO: Sort by editor type

* TODO: think about whether it would be faster (more

* TODO: All possible statuses aren't yet implemented

* TODO: \n";

* TODO: decide if this should really be possible on a parameter

* TODO: Fix i18n

* TODO: Add specializations for function references for ret, protect and unlambda

* TODO: , do we need to do anything here?

* TODO: results tests

* TODO: what does this do?

* TODO: check all the calls to gdk_threads_enter/leave

* TODO: this is only needed because org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main removes the application

* TODO: package jaugment2.pdfviewer;

* TODO: Implement writing compressed attributes! (AIA)

* TODO: Set flags for plugins that fail to autoload

* TODO: take a config chunck here.

* TODO: Workaround for limitation in current Escher.

* TODO: LAST_CHARSET: put in ...

* TODO: make this test faster, possibly move type check to GTypecast

* TODO: ADD This back in SOON

* TODO: ;;;; * .cff MUST NOT be in fc's fontpath.

* TODO: Should this end differently?

* TODO: workaround, in 1.1 use special method do handle this stuff

* TODO: A better solution is needed for both antialiasing as noted below and


* TODO: any reason not to pause indefinitely here?

* TODO: make that an event

* TODO: very narrow screen might crash it

* TODO: the correctness of this slot behavior relys on the immediate invoke of

* TODO: create a new font set.

* TODO: +td.GetMin()

* TODO: fill bmiHeader here, because we don't want and extradata

* TODO: make a lang() method to allow searching other sub. langages.

* TODO: This really needs to be somewhere else...

* TODO: maybe add tests for setting default value for types that can implict

* TODO: Prefix validation ?

* TODO: impl. in pcardext

* TODO: add ammunition and frag info

* TODO: JDBCException too

* TODO: should inherit parent ones too - validate and processValueChanged!

* TODO: May not be implemented properly.

* TODO: fix urb->status race condition in write sequence

* TODO: Check selection for Cell, Row, Column or table and do color on appropriate level

* TODO: set defaults for local configuration variables

* TODO: How to get the timezone for a different region?

* TODO: automatic opening/closing of cfg if cfg == NULL)

* TODO: Bereichsueberpruefung!!

* TODO: ) x02c gives a lot of warnings regarding the color palette.

* TODO: change port

* TODO: Exception and Error Handling

* TODO: externalize/internalize scripts

* TODO: HACK HACK: since we used batched adapters to refresh the edit parts,

* TODO: implement methods below

* TODO: how?

* TODO: JAVA script doesn't work properly

* TODO: = vstream.size-last;

* TODO: drop set alltogether

* TODO: this test well, I think you need to move the int aX = 0...

* TODO: the code for do_standardGeneric does a test of fsym,

* TODO: Immpl. a better way of handling this problem, maybe ask the user to input

* TODO: Transfer->Downloads branch

* TODO: var was not found by name in dataset - a dialog should be open which

* TODO: output one file per domain, color it and merge all in a .list file:

* TODO: @ order namesTable and names? by frequency

* TODO: handle alignment

* TODO: allow for enrollment during pre-commit

* TODO: find better uri

* TODO: need parser for status-fd