Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: ", scalar @TODO, "\n"; # don't do module twice next if exists $DONE

* TODO: disable until model supports delete

* TODO: handle the response codes in the 300 range

* TODO: Prevent non-number characters.

* TODO: the functions exported by this file should be changed, the names

* TODO: the widget class already has a "popup-menu" signal

* TODO: New. Make all methods use it!

* TODO: length should correlate with array length declared in QS.h

* TODO: We could improve by jumping the controller we know in advance

* TODO: It also may be necessary to add $ to identifiers, for asm.

* TODO: a real parameter-parsing, providing switches like


* TODO: support other ?

* TODO: Use FQDN, no clean interface, so requires lot of code

* TODO: don't check. what if it is not supported???

* TODO: error feedback

* TODO: converters

* TODO: Get rid of this evilness.

* TODO: False end

* TODO: some guesswork.

* TODO: This will only work for languages that have each node

* TODO: remove this file.

* TODO: more clip modes, such as three level clip(X, [lo, mid, hi]), which

* TODO: This is all wrong... it only partially supports _ABSX

* TODO: use this to build the extractPattern1 and extractPattern2

* TODO: abstract public getPostDAO();

* TODO: name is not unique

* TODO: add docco somehow

* TODO: Colormaps

* TODO: clean ::set_pbuf that requieres non-portable ios::rdbuf(procbuf*)

* TODO: 6 ;

* TODO: For now, use the 'parameter' attribute. Later, we'll use

* TODO: I don't think these should be global but for some reason they

* TODO: Document the code

* TODO: support LEDs

* TODO: this is not always strcitly correct

* TODO: UTF8 input, wchar

* TODO: handle speedo index

* TODO: "<< argv[0]

* TODO: a paste, we set the fp to null and let the

* TODO: warning

* TODO: This will reset the RTE's modified flag to

* TODO: send files to recycle bin instead of totally deleting (if this is even possible)

* TODO: this is not quite

* TODO: fix so the action error displays on the error page

* TODO: implement joystick movement

* TODO: Convert all methods to a naming convention.

* TODO: options parsing

* TODO: verify schema work as expected

* TODO: Change to a popup message

* TODO: Add exception handling

* TODO: Refreshing and caching now takes 3 round trips.

* TODO: more stuff when adding a point to

* TODO: decide if the number should perhaps be a long and not an int

* TODO: why do I have to include these here, when including them in login_engine.rb should be sufficient?

* TODO: checking if this influences conversion

* TODO: this should also handle reverse

* TODO: check for failure

* TODO: Maybe do:


* TODO: provide a way to attach objects to the Inovaction

* TODO: check BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR; => weekday


* TODO: need to get from store

* TODO: pjrm tried to use fontsize_expansion(xform) here and it works for text in that font size

* TODO: Error -> out.

* TODO: Smart mode (select match part).

* TODO: not portable: need #ifdef

* TODO: need to make sure this does not blow the size of the array

* TODO: the conversion and extraction

* TODO: abort the dl

* TODO: this is an ugly hack that pollutes the namespace. should be done

* TODO: automatically recognize dangerous strings and automatically

* TODO: implement properly

* TODO: a === FALSE and this is not PHP3 compatible)

* TODO: this in the Texture creation, unless there is a specific DX7 caps bit.

* TODO: at some point cm_alp should probably change after a certain

* TODO: work with a scale-free table (or, maybe scale is in meters)

* TODO: make update of configfiles more intelligent

* TODO: listTrustStores);

* TODO: make a 'TypedCollectionElementVariable extends TypeConstraintVariable2'

* TODO: package jaugment2.UI.textUI;

* TODO: generate an expose_event instead (gtk_widget_draw)?

* TODO: security management and finishing cleaning (ex copy from

* TODO: Add distribution contents

* TODO: anyone a better idea?

* TODO: these asserts are commented out because an exception executing

* TODO: Implement this CH.ifa.draw.framework.FigureChangeListener method

* TODO: Pratik

* TODO: analyzer

* TODO: Look into using native windows system logs instead

* TODO: move the includes to the files where they are used (ralf)

* TODO: better palette->grayscale expansion

* TODO: according to H::T, param() can also support:

* TODO: Let an internal drag work with several types.

* TODO: worry about multiple threads instrumenting simultaneously,

* TODO: push on stack

* TODO: loop until the entire interval is expired

* TODO: optional "run in terminal" checkbox

* TODO: blegh, ugly

* TODO: (2004-01-05) Move this somewhere that we can share it with the main app.


* TODO: Move to BO ??

* TODO: check if this is correct

* TODO: maybe we need to do a clone? pychannel->silcobj->context = pychannel;

* TODO: FPCInit/Done may be moved to init/done_module

* TODO: inputFile validation

* TODO: parse action

* TODO: FIXME: not ready nor tested yet.

* TODO: * - Support video controls

* TODO: Add your own module initialization code here.

* TODO: wxDC

* TODO: at present the SortKeyDefinition is evaluated to o

* TODO: delete call of dummy prods before delivery

* TODO: getRadioModel().initAudioStream();

* TODO: gelerekten dogru sayilmali mi?

* TODO: This form of table-of-contents should be removed because *

* TODO: what to do about libtool pre-installed lt-* names?

* TODO: The last assertion fails on my machine for some

* TODO: If your file is in a

* TODO: use megawidgetoid API [$dlg di

* TODO: Do something useful with current content if file exists


* TODO: figure out when to use universe2 and universe

* TODO: immediate:

* TODO: support de @data dans sWrite et sReWrite

* TODO: Is there any way to make this run faster? It gets called a lot ...

* TODO: This code is very similar as the Users module. Code reuse enhancement will be welcome.

* TODO: audit the code for security issues, performance problems, lockups,

* TODO: not sure this is right

* TODO: support RSS 0.92 when aware of all subtle differences.

* TODO: add interface for passing Perl method calls to m_perlvar.

* TODO: Need to add this to USTRING also.

* TODO: need to be a event listener on the node

* TODO: Use an ACL privilege for this instead

* TODO: report progress, not parsing result or css error.#

* TODO: fix this after name is standardized

* TODO: 1. Find all .subckt definitions & stick them

* TODO: have CLI options *not* get written to the config file."""

* TODO: let "readReference" and "writeReference" null;

* TODO: just for debug

* TODO: Test for conflicts between inputs

* TODO: log this

* TODO: This assert sucks since it EXPECTS an emptyFeatureWriter...well, we got A writer...

* TODO: This is to test QFillStatus: remove

* TODO: find a way to supply the real variables

* TODO: override IO functions instead?

* TODO: For now, just display a dialog (see bug 65008 and 65741)

* TODO: Make the menu item that appears a checkboxMenuItem

* TODO: PSI-Blast options could go on their own subclass?

* TODO: Do a DEBUG_MAIN_THREAD/install_idle_handler here?

* TODO: __netif_schedule(dev); ;

* TODO: use a PStream?

* TODO: would be better to parse out the raw ASN.1 string

* TODO: Anything/everything/something... some day maybe... boring...

* TODO: handle exception properly

* TODO: may want to make these all safe against Catalog errors

* TODO: Naive implementation. Ideally callers should be able to look up the aspect by target instance

* TODO: Change the name in the container (XStyleFamiliy)

* TODO: ((QToolButton *)menuWidget->find(id))->setDown(true);

* TODO: implement this org.jboss.system.Service method

* TODO: remove!!!

* TODO: I cannot define this here permanently because it will require,

* TODO: Swallowing ok here?

* TODO: clean up when exception is thrown here

* TODO: use the GtkFileChooser's icon cache instead of our own to reduce

* TODO: additionally, check CLK_PIN_CNTL too

* TODO: Demonstrate how to sort the albums.

* TODO: identify text of gesture

* TODO: ugh. we're reversing CONSISTS_NAME_LIST_ here

* TODO: only do it if we are using the NewMail folder at all?

* TODO: Fix strange bug, which sometimes makes lowercase letters match uppercase letters.

* TODO: figure this out

* TODO: create virtual subscriptions using Accept headers

* TODO: Enter your constructor code here

* TODO: Is there any advantage in trying to pool these?

* TODO: when breezeTypes can be modified, print the modified version

* TODO: Pour le moment, des mots-clés peuvent être

* TODO: make this work with other plot types.

* TODO: Some characters must be escaped.

* TODO: make sense?

* TODO: add code to ensure upwards is perpendicular to forwards,

* TODO: Long term. May need to investigate better solution than TStringList

* TODO: make another test to know if elFound is a use element

* TODO: What is the FullyQualifiedName of the Module?

* TODO: Once reports is server-ized, this call

* TODO: Implement check

* TODO: Do we really always want that?

* TODO: if we got back some value for the baseline's

* TODO: default=w3c

* TODO: close devices

* TODO: need to identify the database user here....

* TODO: find the segfault and change this text

* TODO: completes for different folders?

* TODO: Schwachsinn!! File und

* TODO: #define HCTL_SET_BIT_FLAG(flag) board_write8(...)???

* TODO: Implement Work

* TODO: Proper Exception Handeling

* TODO: If the table changed between steps,

* TODO: add check for valid chars in filename on current system/os

* TODO: if filterByDate, do a date filter on the results based on the now-timestamp

* TODO: stuff...

* TODO: prio=m, effort=0.5, descr=(latest activity version report)

* TODO: Add WhiteListing status here.

* TODO: Check if I did this right numParts == 0 ? true : false, buf );

* TODO: :externalize ?

* TODO: Add text encoding conversion as described in the TODO file

* TODO: split up in sections?!

* TODO: either we need to spec mark as merged to work in this case

* TODO: Add matching when paths are appended (i.e. 'cat' currently

* TODO: handle platform specific targets (ndxinputserver...)

* TODO: prevent multiple includes of the same CSS file, when there are multiple

* TODO: some experimental dumping functions, dump the config

* TODO: should I make the following into arguments?

* TODO: = cl_filedialog::...

* TODO: Add documentation about weak linking (see intro.txt).

* TODO: Export

* TODO: Large loop counts

* TODO: Support more HTML::Entities: (C) for copy, --- for mdash, -- for ndash

* TODO: corba_type = GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_CompEditorFactory_EDITOR_MODE_TODO;

* TODO: WorkbenchHelp.setHelp(composite, IHelpContextIds.TARGET_NEW_SITE_PAGE);

* TODO: Are negative bases's really allowed?

* TODO: get a portable way to use "echo -e"

* TODO: upload to a temp directory and move file if extension is allowed --->

* TODO: rotation

* TODO: Delete this code.

* TODO: This should probably go into the org.eclipse.gef.requests package.


* TODO: center this box on parent window

* TODO: + appleEventWithEventClass:eventID:targetDescriptor:returnID:transactionID:

* TODO: Should be an enumeration

* TODO: writeHeader ensure no line break#elif id == sBODY:###

* TODO: This will need to be refactored at some point.

* TODO: nmd.matcher = null;

* TODO: release fields

* TODO: Continue fixing the remaining options of the admin page: i.e. list, new,

* TODO: check encoding handling

* TODO: change these value

* TODO: why is this method not abstract?

* TODO: this class may better be static, but stay as it for now.

* TODO: If you get a Version mismatch and you are not in setupscan

* TODO: kok icindeki icerigi HArfDizisi yaparak turlu cambazliklardan kurtulaibliriz.

* TODO: Memory access beyond 'caddr+len' shall generate SIGBUS! FixMe! (AH)

* TODO: phg_cpb_inc_spa_search( cph, cp_args, ret, css_srvr )

* TODO: - this should be generalized and used for pre.php, squal_pre.php,

* TODO: Set an upper bound on enqueued operations

* TODO: this returns a function

* TODO: revisit

* TODO: more documentation on the processing

* TODO: work with deleting and moving messages in and out.

* TODO: Disk screen! Requires virtual pages in the server, though...


* TODO: ;; - whitelist

* TODO: Assert values div = HTMLdiv entityModel

* TODO: fix this, it's definitely a potential security violation.

* TODO: make it so already installed packages specified on

* TODO: this should come from the DB

* TODO: update?

* TODO: use a valid context

* TODO: maybe into leak block

* TODO: Multiple fields count like a single column)

* TODO: support dynamically created collection interface instances

* TODO: set default values here

* TODO: I left this static for now, i'll make this statement

* TODO: rework this implementation.

* TODO: should we take a list of other, as os.path does

* TODO: indent first line of paragraph) 0xd30b

* TODO: check if we need vertex normal.

* TODO: We don't know that EDDI was deleted

* TODO: add a localized message.


* TODO: if there are more to check, do GetContentType only once

* TODO: Determine class by arguments

* TODO: Stylesheet path maybe variable

* TODO: Use a single implementation of ReWrapLines that takes starting line and number of lines to rewrap

* TODO: big endian and little endian versions.

* TODO: Should never be called? Should be passed to the outgoing connection?

* TODO: hack with this cast

* TODO: a MakeCurrent for each paint message.

* TODO: This should be glibmm.h, when it is distributed separately from gtkmm.

* TODO: use url helpers, windows fixes

* TODO: some kind of check for new status...

* TODO: convert this buffer to a string

* TODO: it seems that the dialog can't be displayed because all this

* TODO: clean up location patch

* TODO: write a CRToken::to_string() method.

* TODO: Still have some problem with scaled font

* TODO: checks against nFilterLengt

* TODO: add this to get accurate sizes? worth it?

* TODO: Reimplement it following the new structure. Now it's never called as

* TODO: this can do with some major optimization

* TODO: less SRC's per IOProc

* TODO: this a an OpenGL specific hack

* TODO: Loading every thing in dynamic.

* TODO: override configuration based on command line arguments.

* TODO: Use internal camera file name for computer file name

* TODO: if Jeff check in new changes to TraverseSimpleType, copy them over

* TODO: reset all invoice applies?

* TODO: Move these or remove them

* TODO: this properly, need to have access to the

* TODO: don't use v->cur

* TODO: must be in prefs

* TODO: Should also check that we don't refer to something

* TODO: Update message posting

* TODO: remove this from MaraDNS.c and have MaraDNS.c call this routine

* TODO: implement conversion

* TODO: optionally prefer local over global sparks

* TODO: Write the code: FlagName[X].c_str()

* TODO: maybe this could be improved, to reduce the flicker

* TODO: monitor static methods too

* TODO: - Call Certificate Validation Service

* TODO: use MessageResource

* TODO: typo?

* TODO: we have to make sure that the strings aren't null.

* TODO: return sector status here

* TODO: change the script so that the film is rotated, not the image

* TODO: this class is not used anywhere yet.

* TODO: Then worry about serializations and deserialization

* TODO: Linux semaphore goes here!

* TODO: Investigate if this is a feasible solution, nbvert was perviously += 1000.

* TODO: replace this binding with element bindings

* TODO: temporarily Hardcoded to get things working (texture loaders, etc)

* TODO: Make more generic, if deemed that other routines might want this code

* TODO: fov set to 40 - does this match render view? Should be a

* TODO: test creation, display, export & import of entries with non-WikiWord names

* TODO: add date to header if needed (probably not)

* TODO: determine if added on branch and if so add directory

* TODO: Add i18n support for this error message.

* TODO: add density map support.

* TODO: remove this renamed function

* TODO: Kept from Xoops 2.0.x, but to be kicked out

* TODO: is this correct? can we make a helper to share this with the wizard?

* TODO: to be completed

* TODO: Activate non-existent adapters if asked.

* TODO: write HTTP Handler which uses POST to send log lines/sections

* TODO: initialize component and layeredPane

* TODO: add an extra param the dir where to place the created package

* TODO: This should be based upon the undo Queue...If no values false...else true

* TODO: Implement more complex verification for managed games

* TODO: Ressource!

* TODO: this is a

* TODO: should check if signal is fatal, not the TF_DFL_INTR flag

* TODO: non-ear case.

* TODO: (ph) Maybe handle caching?

* TODO: fill in test_statistics for GraphicsMagick

* TODO: do we want to clear these after migration?

* TODO: Add WriteBuffer support

* TODO: use the user input buffer as sliding window.

* TODO: changer en rfrence sur la liste

* TODO: Calculate the new height and width see visudet.html#min-height

* TODO: + double check the semantic, especially

* TODO: are 'named members' supposed to be usernames, or are

* TODO: implement Abort

* TODO: improve time by storing the transform matrix along with the nodes in the pos vector

* TODO: REMOVE -- Beta1 bug - Must turn NOEXEC off manually if exception occurs

* TODO: maintain this list on the client instead, to avoid the roundtrip below

* TODO: this should be an error. mixing up ints and pointers.

* TODO: check if this returns transparent in 8-bit-mode

* TODO: The following lines should be considerably shorter with J2SE 1.5:

* TODO: I've made some attempt to rationalize the conditions here

* TODO: describe of

* TODO: quick select by regex javascript?

* TODO: guess from first lines

* TODO: Stop all expiry strategies globally

* TODO: Convert to Accessors

* TODO: Make sure driver is loaded, and if not, load.

* TODO: zsuper

* TODO: use context->{PossibleEventTypes} to## reduce the amount

* TODO: relative urlPath make absolute

* TODO: scaling the board (and pieces) is a very long way down the

* TODO: add some sort of final error check so when the write-buffer


* TODO: this is a hack because create_value_tc needs a sequence

* TODO: add a version, with lesser output

* TODO: remove temporary hack where we are looking at the local resolver

* TODO: gunzip doesn't check for filename collision/overwrites, have dialog?

* TODO: format

* TODO: make more customizable

* TODO: for all collectors at the end of a cycle

* TODO: support probe

* TODO: Investigate further.)

* TODO: Create a CommDriver object according to some env. variable

* TODO: This cache should probably be removed when the deprecated code is

* TODO: Consider creating a sub-result with the time to get the

* TODO: Add accessor for $this->{_sheetname} for international Excel versions.

* TODO: cURL has added a connection timeout separate from the response timeout

* TODO: wonder if we should use TextWriters instead of StringBuilders?

* TODO: Maybe keep the image returned via

* TODO: Integrate with standard DataAccess

* TODO: strip former '#'

* TODO: Perhaps this '-1000' should be a constant instead of a magic number?

* TODO: check home?

* TODO: update to new feature api.

* TODO: move the code to return a OgnlValueStackDataSource to a seperate

* TODO: this isn't robust. should check

* TODO: Not completed

* TODO: use hash table for accesses to elem and attribute definitions

* TODO: all the SetItemImage lines in this file have been commented

* TODO: Allow parameter conversions

* TODO: HACKS with ToString()

* TODO: checking

* TODO: Add the following configuration cookies

* TODO: name lookups (/etc/atalk.names? NBP?)

* TODO: this.focusEditor();

* TODO: addConverter(new Converter(){

* TODO: extend this to support full command line parsing.

* TODO: show message

* TODO: virtual clipboard

* TODO: probably some other stuff too

* TODO: Handling of properties

* TODO: Check for ENOMEM

* TODO: I don't know if I chose the correct mapping for all types. Please correct

* TODO: printk(LIRC_DRIVER_NAME ": set_send_duty_cycle not yet supported\n");

* TODO: this is probably a class cluster?

* TODO: Add partitioning support to the OSKit code to read/write

* TODO: it we first translate keysym to keycode (== scan code)

* TODO: handle error

* TODO: kalo diisi color(hexa) yg gak valid terjadi error => perlu validasi

* TODO: Handle TIFF Encoder Parameters

* TODO: add a configure option somewhere that makes this a

* TODO: Once the bible import subclass is done, make this match.

* TODO: Provide description for "notImplemented".

* TODO: resize crop!

* TODO: this method is deprecated in jdk 1.4, but I can't use

* TODO: fast float to byte

* TODO: what kind?)

* TODO: let bonus place itself?

* TODO: This is specific to BeautifulSoup and its subclasses, but it's

* TODO: Implement configuraiton file

* TODO: implement waitvbl

* TODO: move much of this to renderer

* TODO: Page caching.

* TODO: this list is by no means complete nor accurate

* TODO: store current font size, use following size

* TODO: this will fail an assertion if someone asks for the size of a variable of

* TODO: This is for future use to see if this will be needed...

* TODO: Insert data in a MySQL database.

* TODO: fix this by conditionally copying `data' to

* TODO: Impersonate might throw exceptions. What to do with them?

* TODO: Select all items in the current selection owner.

* TODO: use Exif::Content::entry() functions


* TODO: fix naming.

* TODO: Make this extract to the correct place!

* TODO: pipeline the division

* TODO: deal with labels going off the edge of the screen (much reduced


* TODO: andere stati berücksichtigen

* TODO: tick-count attribute, so i can calc this tick stuff

* TODO: this, we take a close look at the detection file and

* TODO: add owner argument!!

* TODO: Return other info, such as a revision string?

* TODO: MS replace this fix for save existing resource

* TODO: 303:o: Initialize udpEndpointTable data.

* TODO: use pattern correctly

* TODO: iterate through all integer-based config values

* TODO: Can we remove this? (Dany)

* TODO: display where to move the post as a dropdown instead of having to get ID

* TODO: Support custom schema in WSDD for these operations

* TODO: nested unary

* TODO: non RPC style bindings#

* TODO: move this to

* TODO: ;; - Somehow allow cvs-status-tree to work on-the-fly

* TODO: 4.1.1)

* TODO: use with rake

* TODO: deep clone - clone also nested tables

* TODO: OAD allow short and long labels [as different chunk names]" )

* TODO: wait idle 1 ms

* TODO: remove xmlEncodeEntities, once we are not afraid of breaking binary


* TODO: do we need to remove first?

* TODO: also need to read 'non-standard' PDB for residues!

* TODO: make static threadsafe

* TODO: Have the formatter take a TextBuffer and format that buffer and output a string

* TODO: Consider calling this BlastIteration (strongly) and maybe simplifying IterationI.

* TODO: Profile, Cyclops and other file runners should use the command-line

* TODO: Load Database elements from XML

* TODO: 405:r: Review IFTABLE_SETTABLE_COLS macro.

* TODO: Als abstrakte Methode

* TODO: dump out here???

* TODO: Implement view update from external signal

* TODO: explain why these can be excluded

* TODO: use

* TODO: possible score and colour settings for individual messages should

* TODO: See auto-compression-mode


* TODO: a unique id for discs, and then even to also record chapters etc.

* TODO: rework all this

* TODO: circuits monitoringself.__streams = {} #

* TODO: return results as hash?

* TODO: Check if the user has selected the "all" configuration

* TODO: create a generic audio controls enumeration

* TODO: sequence a short, reflected piece of the input sequence'.

* TODO: Where in the hiearchy should this method go really?..

* TODO: the parentController should be called explicitely after each AppEvent type as an "else"

* TODO: make the string of "quoting characters" configurable

* TODO: prepare msg and send it out

* TODO: check if the type is translated collection

* TODO: allow 'GET' also so we can process 'unsubscribe' requests??

* TODO: let the caller send us a flag saying not to bother writing *.class.bci in this case.